50/50 Drawing Update!

Dear St. Anne Parish Members,

Thank you so much to those who have already turned in chances-we are off to a great start! As of Tuesday, December 7, 1034 chances have been turned in, which is 69% of our goal. The current prize amount is $1,439.00 for each winner. Remember, “You can’t win if you don’t play!” and IT’S NOT TOO LATE-chances must be submitted by Wednesday, December 15th. REMINDER: This is a Catholic Order of Foresters “Matching Funds” event which will result in an additional donation of up to $2,000 from the Foresters if we sell enough chances-please make checks payable to St. Anne Court 1985 COF.

After the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, December 18, 2021, we will draw 3 winners from the chances submitted.  The drawing will be broadcast live and also viewable later on Facebook. Half (50%) of the proceeds that are collected will be equally split among the 3 winners.  The other half (50%) of the proceeds that are collected will be kept as fundraising revenue.

We hope you will support this fundraiser again by selling as many chances as you can.  If you have any questions or need more sheets, contact either Ellie Betzle (309-755-1340) or Barb Brooks (309-755-1755).  Please sign your name on the top of the sheets as the seller and return them with the money collected to:  St. Anne Parish Office at:  555 – 18th Avenue, East Moline, IL 61244 or drop in the Mass collection box by Wednesday, December 15, 2021.

Even if you are not able to help with this fundraiser, please pray for the pandemic to end, both here and around the world, and for a return to normal for our St. Anne Parish family.

Thank you for all you do to – Repair and Refresh the St. Anne Parish buildings and grounds! 

Father James G. Pallardy, Pastor