welcome to
st. anne church

Serving East Moline and the surrounding area since 1919.

A destination for faith~

St. Anne is a faith filled community that embraces diversity and has adapted to the changing environment while maintaining its core Catholic values and identity. By remembering those who have come before us, we honor the legacy of the diversity of our founders who, molded by God’s blessings and the holy priests He empowered, joined together to establish our church.

Fr. Julien Esse, SMA

Our Path to Our Lady of Grace

The next 4 or 5 steps of our parish merger process are handled by different Diocesan offices, and are centered around business and financial aspects of running a parish, for example, determining a new ADA goal and merging parish data into one system. Our Parish Transition Team will meet again in February, and will continue to work through many aspects of the merger, such as building repairs and maintenance issues, combining our current ministry volunteer lists and groups, and other areas that directly affect our parishioners and our parish community. More updates on these and other matters will be coming in future bulletins. “Our Path to Our Lady of Grace” will provide weekly updates and new information regarding the merger of St. John’s, St. Anne’s and St. Mary’s. As we venture on this new journey together, we ask Our Lady of Grace to pray for us!

Christmas Decorations

A sincere Thank You goes out to all who helped take down the Christmas decorations.

It’s a big job but with the help of the young people and those of us who have done it for years, it happens fast and orderly. We are grateful for your willingness to help.

Pro-Life Rosary

The next Pro-Life Rosary will be held on Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 2:00 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, Silvis.

Please make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament any time between now and then. Questions, please contact Marc Possin, 309-714-3735.






St. Anne Parish ADA Update

As of January 9, 2025, the total amount pledged towards our ADA goal of $50,118.00 is $44,491.00. Thank you to all who have already pledged to the appeal! Your gift supports ministries that help form our young people into disciples eager to share their faith with others.

No gift is too small, and our parish will receive back any monies received over our goal and will help us replace the deteriorating overhangs above the church entrances.

If you have not given yet, please consider filling out a pledge card today and mail it to the Diocese or drop it in the collection basket. Pledge cards are at each entrance of the church. Thank you!