welcome to
st. anne church
Serving East Moline and the surrounding area since 1919.
A destination for faith~
St. Anne is a faith filled community that embraces diversity and has adapted to the changing environment while maintaining its core Catholic values and identity. By remembering those who have come before us, we honor the legacy of the diversity of our founders who, molded by God’s blessings and the holy priests He empowered, joined together to establish our church.
Fr. Julien Esse, SMA

Our Path to Our Lady of Grace
For those of you involved in the ministries of the church (Ushers, Lectors, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, etc.) THANK YOU for your service to our church and our faith community. As we get closer to our merger date of June 30, 2025, we will be reaching out to current active participants in these ministries with a survey to see what locations and mass times you prefer.
We are also looking to expand our volunteer base and will be holding trainings for both Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (assisting Fr. Julien and Deacon Bob in distributing Holy Communion during mass) and Homebound Ministries (bringing Holy Communion to the homebound members of our parish). If you are interested in either of these ministries, please contact the parish office for more details.
St. Anne (309) 755-5071
St. John (309) 848-4023
“Our Path to Our Lady of Grace” will provide weekly updates and new information regarding the merger of St. John’s, St. Anne’s and St. Mary’s. As we venture on this new journey together, we ask Our Lady of Grace to pray for us!
Eucharistic Ministers Ministry
St. Anne Parish and St. John Parish are seeking parishioners to volunteer to be Extraordinary Ministers of Communion.
Once trained for this ministry, it opens up other opportunities to distribute Holy Communion other than just at Mass. An Extraordinary Minister can take Holy Communion to parishioners in nursing homes, hospital, or homebound.
If you would like to be trained, please contact either parish office before April 4. There will be 2 training/refresher sessions offered the week of April 7.
Fr. Julien is also asking any current Extraordinary Ministers to attend 1 of the sessions as a refresher and so that we may also update everyone’s mandate with Peoria.
Baby Bottle Campaign
If you haven’t picked up a baby bottle yet, it is your chance to help newborns and young children live a healthy life.
Please fill up the bottles with loose change, bills or checks made out to the Christ Child Society of the Quad Cities. The society partnered with the Women’s Choice Center who purchases much needed items for financially struggling families with newborns and young children.
Return the filled bottles and place it in the designated baskets in the vestibule or hand it to an usher.
Thank you so much for your generosity
Anointing of the Sick
Beginning on Friday, February 28, Fr. Julien will be available after the 8:00 am daily Mass to administer the Anointing of the Sick for anyone that would like to receive it.
Please keep in mind that this anointing is for anyone that might already be ill, preparing for an upcoming surgery, hospital stay, etc. This anointing is not JUST for those who are in danger of death.
This will be done every Friday.